受教育及 工作经历 |
教育经历: 1.2010/9 - 2013/12,温州医科大学,眼科学,医学博士,导师:瞿佳 2.2009/02-2010/09,美国辛辛那提大学,发育生物系,导师:林鑫华 3.2007/9 - 2010/6,温州医学院,药理学,医学硕士,导师:瞿佳 4.2002/9 - 2006/7,中国药科大学,中药学,理学士,导师:孔令仪 工作经历: 1.2014/3 -至今,bat365在线中国官网登录入口,bat365在线中国官网登录入口 2.2010/09-2013/12,温州医科大学,果蝇去泛素酶基因功能研究 3.2009/02-2010/09,美国辛辛那提大学,果蝇泛素酶基因功能研究 |
代表性论文 |
(1)14-3-3 Proteins Are on the Crossroads of Cancer, Aging, and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disease,International journal of molecular sciences, 2019, 20(14): 3518(SCI收录, IF=4.183),第一作者 (2)Rapamycin preserves gut homeostasis during Drosophila aging,Oncotarget,2015,6(34)(SCI收录, IF=5.168),第一作者 (3)The Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11) and Myostatin (MSTN) in tissue specific aging,Mechanisms of Ageing and Development,2017, 6(164)(SCI收录,IF=3.748),第一作者 (4)Drosophila USP5 controls the activation of apoptosis and the Jun N-terminal kinase pathway during eye development.,PLos One, 2014, 9(3)(SCI收录,IF=3.234)第一作者 (5)Intestinal Homeostasis and Longevity: Drosophila Gut Feeling,Aging and Aging-Related Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions,2017 (9), 157-166 ( SCI收录,IF=2.126),第一作者 (6)2,5-Dimethyl-Celecoxib Extends Drosophila Life Span via a Mechanism That Requires Insulin and Target of Rapamycin Signaling,J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 2017.10.26, 1334-1341(SCI收录,IF=4.902),共同第一作者排名第三。 |